
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


Slashdot Review

A review of A Game of Thrones, as well as lots of discussion of the series itself, can be found at Slashdot. Luckily, Westeros doesn’t seem likely to get Slashdotted from being linked to a couple of times. But if it is slower than usual right now, you know why. ;)

Hedge Knight News

Image Comics announced today that the upcoming miniseries, George R.R. Martin’s The Hedge Knight, will feature covers by fan-favorite fantasy artists Michael Kaluta, Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell, the Hildebrandt Brothers, Tom Mandrake, Ted Nasmith and Tom Yeates.

Legends II News

In other news, the final piece (an original "Lord John" novella by Diana Gabaldon, set in her Outlander universe) for Legends II has been delivered. Legends II, edited by Robert Silverberg, is an antholgy of previously unpublished stories by some of fantasy’s most exciting writers scheduled for release in January 2004. All of the stories are based in the respective authors’ most popular worlds. Works by George R. R. Martin, Neil Gaiman, Anne McCaffrey, Terry Brooks, and Orson Scott Card are among the eleven stories that will round out this collection.

Hedge Knight Interviews

The May issue of Sequential Tart includes a pair of interviews with the crew behind the comic book adaption of "The Hedge Knight". The first with Les Dabel and the second with Ben Avery and Mike S. Miller.

CCG Nominated for Awards

The Fantasy Flight Games produced Game of Thrones collectible card game and its expansion, Sea of Storms, are both nominees in the major game industry Origin Awards! If you’d like to cast your vote for the awards, go here.

ASoIaF as eBook

You can now purchase all of the first three books as eBooks:

A Game of Thrones & A Clash of Kings (both in one eBook) in Microsoft Reader or Adobe Reader format.

A Game of Thrones in Microsoft Reader or Adobe Reader format.

A Clash of Kings in Microsoft Reader or Adobe Reader format.

A Storm of Swords in Microsoft Reader or Adobe Reader format.


Guardians of Order have announced that they will published a role-playing game based on A Song of Ice and Fire. It will initially feature two main rulebooks, one for the d20 System, and one for the Tri-Stat System. More information can be found at their message board.

A Storm of Swords Paperback

The US edition of the A Storm of Swords paperback is finally out, and unlike the UK edition it was not split in two parts. And, even better, it has a sample chapter from A Feast for Crows in it, the second chapter from one of the new PoVs!

Tuf Voyaging

Meisha Merlin, publishers of the A Song of Ice and Fire limited edition series, are now opening up pre-orders for their editions of GRRM’s classic science fiction collection Tuf Voyaging. Although a limited edition of the books is supposed to be made available for order, so far it seems that only trade and hardcover editions can be selected.

Another Award!

The Hebrew translation of A Storm of Swords has won the Geffen Prize for the best fantasy book of the year in Israel.

New Art Site

Mike Miller, the artist drawing "The Hedge Knight" comic book, has launched his own site, The Art of Ice and Fire, which will feature his ASoIaF art. The first piece, Robert and Rhaegar at the Trident, can already be viewed and ordered at the site.

Official Site Update

GRRM’s official site has just been updated with a status report. A Feast for Crows is still being written and there is no certain publication date yet. However, as we have already reported, an excerpt from the book will appear in issue #305 of Dragon Magazine. Called "Arms of the Kraken", it makes up part of the prologue for A Feast for Crows (the prologue is not just one chapter this time around, but rather several with different viewpoints in each) and deals with the struggle for the Seastone Chair following the death of Balon Greyjoy.

GRRM has already read several chapters from A Feast for Crows at various conventions, and reports on these can be found here. Among the chapters being reported on are two other prologue chapters, these two set in Dorne. As it happens, we have actually read the second of these two chapters, and we are happy to report that it was a great read. Well worth preording the book already from either Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk.

AFfC Excerpt in Dragon Magazine!

The next issue (no. 305) of Dragon Magazine, to be published in February, will contain an excerpt from A Feast for Crows called "The Arms of the Kraken".

Furthermore, issue 307 will feature Westeros as a D&D setting.

Official Site Update

GRRM’s official site has been updated with some more images from the CCG as well as an update on the status of A Feast for Crows. Although various on-line bookstores list both a publishing date and a page count, none of this information comes from GRRM. The book is still being written, and he doesn’t know when it will be done or how long it will be.

As soon as it is finished, he will announce this on his website, and we will naturally have the information here as well as soon as we learn of it. So, please don’t email GRRM and ask when the book will be out, it will only delay it.

Sandkings Computer Game

A while ago (yes, we’ve been a little slow to get this one up) we were told about a computer game based on GRRM’s novelette "Sandkings" being in the works. Those interested (and using a Mac) can find more information here.